Phil's Old Travel Page

Most of this page is maintained largely for nostalgia, until I can think of something more up-to-date to do with it!

I've started writing some simple photo and movie processing apps (Facebook, mencoder helpers). Check them out here.

My other dev stuff used to be hosted here but is now on GitHub
Git Repositories.

My Mandarin Chinese notes are here, the Org source is on Github.

Long before Facebook and Instagram, in an attempt to keep track of my many photos and movies from around the world, I created a nerdy little (and very basic) website where you can view my latest attempt at capturing my travels on film. This isn't updated anymore - I use Instagram now. I should point out the 'download' drop-down option has a timeout imposed on it by my webhost and the problem seems to be completely beyond their 'technical' support so expect the TAR stream it creates on the fly to drop connection after (I think) 3 minutes - thus use conservatively, if at all! Enjoy!

Retrieve Pics and Movies:
LA, NZ, French Polynesia
Morocco - Marrakech
Richmond - January Evening
Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Petite Cote
Sinai - Canyon Dive
Sinai - Dahab
Sinai - Desert and Mt Sinai
Sinai - Lighthouse Dive
Sinai - Thistlegorm Dive

The Early Days and Chums (before this I used 35mm - I've got most of Europe in this 'retro' form, shame....)

© Philip Beadling, 2007.